Hey everyone! So I know this isn’t what I normally post about BUT I want to do a MAY SPRING CLEANING CHALLENGE to try to motivate myself to do some spring cleaning! Haha. I am terrible about trying to get myself to deep clean the house and there are a few projects in particular I want to try to get to this year. I mostly just want to clean the stuff that I usually don’t get to very often, like the:
- Fridge
- Oven
- Pantry
- Garbage cans
- Blinds&Windows
- Light fixtures
- Cabinets
- &More!
I have made a spring cleaning calendar at the bottom of this post that you can download (FOR FREE!) and follow along with me!
1. Keep an eye out on my Instagram!
Throughout the month, I’ll keep you updated and show you what I’m working on! I’ll also be posting tips and tricks about cleaning and organizing on my Instagram! So keep an eye out of those if you want to learn any tricks while spring cleaning your own home. You can find my Instagram feed at the bottom of this page!
2. Download the free Spring Cleaning Challenge sheet
I have made a calendar of when I will be cleaning what on this FREE DOWNLOADABLE SHEET! Feel free to print it out and put it on your fridge so we can clean together.
3. Share your progress with me!
I hope you post #byjamiejunespringcleanchallenge on your Instagram accounts if you are up for the challenge! I would love to see your progress and see what you all are doing!
Happy cleaning!
xo, Jamie