Hey everyone! I’m writing this post because I truly want to be better for 2019! I know what you’re thinking, EVERYONE sets this goal for the new year! I have to admit, it can be cliche, but I figure it’s a excellent goal to try to refocus on every year. This year my goals aren’t focused on numbers or diets. I don’t think either of those create a healthy mindset for losing weight (at least for me). So my goal for this year is to just be HEALTHIER!
First of all, I want to start out by saying that by NO means am I even close to being a certified trainer or nutritionist. I wouldn’t even classify myself as a workout junky. Everyone has different health needs so please cater to those first and foremost! However, I do have a passion for staying active and feeling good in my own skin!
Secondly, I feel us as women are particularly hard on ourselves when it comes to our bodies. Since having my baby in January 2018, my body still hasn’t been the same, and you know what? I’m ok with that! I feel like a lot of us are too harsh on ourselves, especially after having a baby. Ladies! Your body literally just performed a miracle! Give yourself a break. When I find myself start to criticize my body, I just remember that I tried for two years to get pregnant with my baby, so I’m pretty proud of these stretch marks! and I also always try to remember that there are some women who would kill for these stretch marks and extra weight.
Lastly, I want to say that every body is different! So please don’t compare yourself to anyone BUT yourself! If you were better than yesterday than thats enough.
With that being said, these are my own personal goals that I’m going to share with you all! If these aren’t for you, thats ok! Do whatever works for you! Set your own goals along with realistic actions you can do to accomplish them.
“Healthier me” goals:
- Work out 3-5 times a week: This one can be hard sometimes with kids, I mean getting the time to even go to the bathroom for five minutes alone can be a challenge! For me, I chose to do my workouts at home. It’s just what works for us. My husband works a lot which can make going to the gym almost impossible. But working out at home let’s be be flexible and relaxed. I usually have to do it in the mornings. If I wait until night time after I put my baby to sleep, I have usually lost the motivation.
- Walk for 35-45 mins 3-5 times a week: Can I confess something? I HATE running! haha. I’m actually jealous of those people that can go for a therapeutic run. So I walk. In the warm weather. I always go with my baby and my pup. It’s a way for us all to get out and get our energy out! In the winter time it’s a lot harder for me to find motivation. But I still go to our clubhouse after my husband gets home and walk on the treadmill while I watch a show or listen to a podcast or something!
- Make sure to have healthy snacks around that are literally on hand: So I usually eat fairly good when it comes to meals, it’s the snacks that get me! So I’ve decided that when I get home from the grocery store, that I’m going prep my snack into pre washed bags or containers so it can be just as easy as grabbing the bag of chips! Currently I love smart pop or veggie fries.
- Eat lot’s of Protein: I don’t know about you guys, but I feel eating protein is one of the best ways for me to satisfy my hunger and help my muscles after a workout! Not enough protein can cause sore muscles and fatigue, rather than increased strength and stamina! I usually try to have my protein shake 30 min after I work out! That way it can help heal the micro-tears in my muscles after the workout to make them stronger.
- Drink more water: I don’t know about you all, but this is probably the goal I need to work on the most! I don’t know why but it’s so hard for me to have the motivation to drink water. So I’ve decided to get myself a nice water bottle and take it with me everywhere! That way I don’t really have to think about it and I can sip on it throughout the day. They say you should drink at least half of your body weight in ounces per day so I’m going to try it! I might even go buy one of those water bottles with times on it because I’m that bad!
That’s all five! I hope these goals can help inspire you to set some of your own for 2019. I will keep you updated on how I’m progressing throughout the year in posts and social media! In later posts I will share details of my workouts and protein drinks I like and use if ya’ll are interested.
Good luck!
xo, Jamie