Hi everyone! So I am doing a few posts on “How to master your closet” and this is the first post I am going to share! So if you are interested in improving your own closet, make sure to follow along. If you subscribe to my email list you won’t ever miss a post!
Ok so I know that this isn’t the most exciting subject, and it can make us cringe a little bit inside. It’s one of the best and/or worst experiences of our lifetime haha! For me personally, I have spent HOURS sorting through my closet. Asking myself of questions like, when is the last time I wore this? Do I like the way it fits? Is it even in style? I always find myself keeping an item thinking I’ll wear it, but then the next time I go to clean out my closet, I find that I didn’t even wear the item once!
BUT on the flip side, cleaning out our closets gives us more room for the things we love! Plus it feels dang good to have a clean organized closet! (And you can actually find stuff!). I don’t know if you all feel the same, but I know I feel SO much happier and at peace when everything is clean and has a space. I used to feel guilty for getting rid of things, I just let my closet pile up with clothes I thought I would wear again but never did. One day I noticed that I actually still had some clothes from high school, which was like three years ago!! Then I was like, ok Jamie, you NEED to get rid of some stuff! Haha from then on I learned you NEVER need to feel guilty for getting ‘rid’ of your clothes. They served there purpose and you can be grateful that you’ve had them! It’s totally normal and you’ll feel so much better!
Through trail and error, I feel I’ve finally gotten a system down that I do when I go to clean my closet (and most things in my home-I’ll be writing some posts later). It comes from a mixture of things that I’ve learned about organizing along the way, and I hope it helps you clean out your own closet!
First I take ALL the clothes out of my closet. All of them. Then I lay them out on my bed or the floor so I can really see them (taking some advice from Marie Kondo!).
Then I grab two trash bags. I take anything that has holes, rips stains, or old underwear/bras and throw them in one of the trash bags. Ain’t nobody want these!
Then I use the other bag for donations. If you know when you see an item it’s an immediate no, go ahead an throw it in. Everything else you MUST try on! This is key. That usually really helps me decide if I will really wear it. If you find you don’t like it, put it in the bag. If you do like it, it earns it’s spot back in your closet!
That’s really all there is to it! I just went through my clothes a couple of weeks ago and I got rid of like five bags (I know, I have a problem!). It’s of course a lot of personal preference. If you like, you can hang your clothes back up backwards and then later you can see which ones you actually wore. Then next time you go to clean your closet, it will be easier to see what you wore and what you need to get rid of!
I hope this helps! Make sure to do this before phase two to prep for my next post on “Essentials you should have in your wardrobe!” Thank you for reading and make sure to leave any tips, comments or questions you have for me below!
xo, Jamie