Hey everyone! If you are looking for some fun games for christmas, this is the place! When we were little we always got ‘family’ gifts to share and it always included a new game for us to play. If you have the same tradition, or want to start it, this is the perfect time!
I tried to gather something for everyone! Now onto the games:
- What’s in the box ($10 today!) – This fun game is something I think kids would go nut over! They get to pick what goes inside and have others guess what it is!
- Soggy Doggy ($10) – This game is a major hit with kids! It’s so simple and my family loves it. It does however shake water everywhere, so be sure to take that into account! haha.
- Hedbanz ($12) – This is one of our favorite family games! Hedbanz is the fast-paced, easy to play question game of “what Am I?” ask “yes” or “no” questions before time runs out to figure out if the cartoon card on your headband is an animal, Food or object. Great for learning.
- Spot it ($10) – This game is a must! Adults or kids both love this game. If you don’t have it yet I highly recommend it! Between any two cards there is always one and only one Matching symbol; Spot it fast to win!
- Kids Against Maturity ($32) – If you are a big fan of cards against humanity, this is the perfect kids version! Each player gets 10 white answer cards and takes turns asking the blue question cards. Each question asker chooses the funniest answer, and the player with the highest amount of most amusing responses, wins the game.
- Cover your Assets ($15) – This is one of my favorite games!! Perfect for adults. It’s easy to learn and competitive play where the 1st to reach 1M in assets wins.
- Pit ($12) – Although this has been around for a while, this has been one of our family favorites for years! It’s good for lot’s of people and makes for a fun time. You basically race to collect 9 matching cards!
- 5 Second Rule ($14) – This game sounds so fun and is backed up with lot’s of good reviews! Pick a card, read the seemingly easy topic, then start the timer! now with only 5 seconds to name 3 things that fit the topic, it doesn’t seem so easy!
- Unstable Unicorns ($20) – We were gifted this game and we love it! It’s a strategic game where no two games will be the same. “Build a unicorn Army. Betray your friends. Unicorns are your Friends now.” haha!
- What do you meme? ($30) – I would suggest ONLY ADULTS for this game if you know what I mean! If your family loves memes, this is the perfect game! We have it and we play all the time. “Compete with your friends and family to create the funniest memes. Do this by using one of your dealt caption cards to caption the photo card in each round.”
Hopefully this helps for some ideas!
Happy shopping!
xo, Jamie