Hello everyone! Just thought I’d share these adorable jars and labels with you guys! I made these a month or so ago and I’m just barely getting around to posting this. These jars and labels are the perfect thing to tie your pantry together, or if you have open shelving, these would be perfect...
Hey everyone! I am SO excited to share this post with you all! I have been working on this for quite sometime and I feel that now that I’ve done this for a while, I’ve finally gotten the hang of what you need for an organized Pantry! I’ll not only be sharing tips and...
Hello everyone! I have been wanting to share these for a while. I have had them on my own contianers for the past month and have loved them, so I hope you guys do to! I’ve recently started making my own multi-surface cleaner at home and I LOVE it! It’s all natural so it’s...
Hello everyone! I am SO excited to finally share these with you all! I actually happened upon this set up by accident. I bought these jars for a different purpose but realized when they came that they were a little to big for what I wanted to do. But I really liked the jars,...
Hi everyone! I hope that wherever you are you are well and safe. I’m excited to show you these Canning labels from the ‘Magnolia Farmhouse Inspired’ line of labels I came out with recently! These are one of my favorites! Canning jars have been around for forever. I’ve always wanted a way to make...
Hello everyone! It’s finally getting warm outside and June is here! June is one of my favorite months of the year. I love the summer hot days and we always love to be outside. One thing that I’ve ALWAYS loved is snow cones! Ever since I was a little kid I always had an...
Hello everyone! One of the messiest most unorganized part of our home has always been the linen closet. But since I made these it has been SO much better! These labels work great on their own or paired with the container store’s cute basket clips! (See link below). They are simple and clean making...
Hey everyone! Getting ready for spring over here with a little spring cleaning and organizing. I’m SO ready for warmer weather… it’s not even funny. We are going stir crazy over here! haha anyone else?? As Navy gets older, the more and more she wants to be outside learning new things! I cant This...